The idea of living off the grid has become more mainstream in recent years and therefore has been adopted by more people from all walks of life. Between shows highlighting the experiences of advanced off-the-gridders to stories of everyday 9-5ers swapping their city life for a simple off the grid one, we’ve seen a growing curiosity in this type of lifestyle.
Living off the grid is basically the idea of living a more simple and disconnected life. Usually to live off the grid means not being connected to public utilities such as electricity, water and sewer systems and living in an isolated area. There are different levels of off-the-grid lifestyles and while some may opt to completely start from scratch and build their own shelter, others simply buy properties in rural areas that are already equipped with the basic systems needed to survive off the grid.
There are many reasons why someone may want to switch out their life to be off the grid. For some, living off the grid represents a chance of getting back in touch with what really matters in their life - such as family and nature. While for others, living in close proximity to others was never appealing and this is the only life they can see for themselves. Regardless of the reason, there are many benefits to living an off-the-grid lifestyle. Opting to live off the grid doesn’t have to be a major challenge either. We can help you find the right property to suit your off-the-grid needs and help ensure you and your family are set up for success. With that being said, let’s go over some of the most popular benefits people see in living off the grid.
1. Self-Sufficiency
Though it may not always be easy, it’s in human’s nature to feel a sense of pride when we’ve done something on our own. Whether it’s a home project, earning money for something or otherwise taking care of yourself, we tend to feel a sense of pride when we’re being self-sufficient. That feeling you get when you’ve completed an intimidating task completely on your own is something that off-the-gridders seek everyday through this lifestyle.
Being self-sufficient is a benefit that leads many people to seek out an off-the-grid lifestyle. People living off the grid enjoy being self-sufficient and not relying on modern-day conveniences that come with living “on the grid.” With an off-the-grid lifestyle it’s up to you to ensure your home and family has what’s needed to survive, meaning you truly have a hand in every aspect of your property.
2. Less Stress
There’s no question that stress is something many adults deal with everyday and there’s no denying the many health risks that constant stress can bring. Too much stress in everyday life is something that often prompts people to seek out an off-the-grid life. The stress of working in order to afford what’s often expected of people - such as nice clothes, cars, homes, etc., pushes many people to look to alternative lifestyles instead. Living off the grid may seem like a lot of work, but the honest work it comes with doesn’t create the same stressful life that many people in traditional jobs and lifestyles face everyday. Living off the grid removes the pressure to “keep up” that many people feel in their lives.
3. Better Health
Since living off the grid can dramatically lower your stress levels it’s no surprise that this lifestyle can also be a major benefit for your overall health. A less stressful lifestyle comes with significant physical health benefits along with mental health benefits as well. Additionally, many people who choose to make a change and live off the grid are often leaving office jobs. Traditional office jobs that come with a lot of sitting and staring at screens all day are not the best for your health. Switching to an off-the-grid lifestyle means you’ll be trading in a mostly sedentary life for one filled with regular physical labor and exercise. Not only will moving around more promote better physical health, but being surrounded by nature and eating more whole foods (since you’re unlikely to be near fast food restaurants off the grid) will help increase your overall mood and health as well. All of these changes are likely to bring you more peace and have a great impact on your mental health, bringing you more happiness overall!
4. Get Closer to Family
For some families today, spending time together is hard enough. Between work, school, activities, errands and eating on the go, spending actual time together can be hard. Most families try to squeeze in some quality time, but how often is this time spent thinking about what needs to be done, checking work emails or scrolling social media? Living off the grid inevitably brings families closer together than they were living before. Each day is spent actually working together towards a common goal and spending time in nature. The transition may be a little hard for families at first, but the amount of new and exciting things that are experienced and learned each day lead to excitement and greater bonding overall.
5. Live Simply
Many people that turn to an off-the-grid lifestyle report that they do it because they’re looking to live a more simple life and focus on what really matters. Living off the grid removes a lot of the typical stressors and chores that come with a traditional on-the-grid lifestyle. Living off the grid means no commute or pressure to spend money on things you don’t really need. Living off the grid also costs significantly less, so people are able to live with less debt. People enjoy the simple lifestyle that comes with living off the grid and using only what they need. This lifestyle prompts people to appreciate what they have, especially the little things that make their life special.
Choosing to live off the grid is a big choice, but there are many benefits to be had if this lifestyle sounds like something you might enjoy. Living off the grid is a big change, but it can majorly enhance your health, outlook and overall life. If you're interesting in checking out available land plots, existing farm homes or other off-the-grid properties, contact Kevin McLemore with United Country Real Estate for listings!
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Kevin McLemore is a second generation real estate broker, having grown up in the business. The McLemore Group is centered around the strong bond that Kevin has with his father, Dan McLemore. They have been working together selling land, homes, and commercial projects for over 20 years.
Kevin specializes in helping sellers of unique properties get maximum value for their property with as little headache as possible. He has brokered transactions throughout the greater Charlotte region including the upstate of South Carolina.
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